2013年2月21日 星期四

Apple 更新了配備 Retina 顯示器的 MacBook Pro 之處理器與售價

【2013 年 2 月 13 日,加州 CUPERTINO 訊】AppleR 為 MacBook ProR 配備 RetinaR 顯示器更新了處理器,並降低了起售價,使其速度更快且更加實惠。13 吋 MacBook Pro 配備 Retina 顯示器現售價 NT$47,900 起,搭載 128GB 快閃儲存設備;搭載全新 2.6 GHz 處理器與 256GB 快閃儲存設備的機型售價將為 NT$53,900。15 吋 MacBook Pro 配備 Retina 顯示器現在具備更快的 2.4 GHz 四核心處理器,而最高階的 15 吋筆記型電腦則搭載全新 2.7 GHz 四核心處理器與 16GB 的記憶體。Apple 今天還宣佈,配備 256GB 快閃儲存設備的 13 吋 MacBook AirR 現降至 NT$44,900。

MacBook Pro 配備 Retina 顯示器具備全世界最高解析度的筆記型電腦顯示器。無論你在閱讀電子郵件、撰寫文字、以 HD 高畫質剪輯家庭影片,或修飾專業級攝影作品,一切影像都顯得色彩豐富生動,細緻更是銳利,帶來無與倫比的視覺饗宴。MacBook Pro 配備 Retina 顯示器具備比傳統筆記型電腦硬碟更快達 4 倍的快閃儲存設備,並帶來提升的可靠性,即開即用的靈敏度,以及長達至 30 天的待機時間。

經過更新的 MacBook Pro 配備 Retina 顯示器將於今年三月份在台灣銷售,可透過 Apple Online Store (http://www.apple.com.tw/) 與 Apple 授權經銷商購買。售價、技術規格、訂製選項與配件等詳細資料均可於線上取得:www.apple.com/tw/macbook-pro 和 www.apple.com/tw/macbookair。

Apple 設計出世界上最佳的個人電腦 ─ Mac,以及 OS X、iLife、iWork 及專業軟體。Apple 以其 iPods 及 iTunes 線上商店引領數位音樂革命。Apple 以其革命性 iPhone 及 App Store 重新打造行動電話樣貌,並已於近日推出具有行動媒體及運算服務特性的 iPad。

Carolyn Wu
Apple 公司
電郵: carolyn_wu@apple.com

Apple、Apple 標記、Mac、Mac OS、Macintosh、MacBook Pro、Retina 和 MacBook Air 都是 Apple Inc. 註冊的商標。其他公司名稱與產品名稱可能為其個別註冊的商標。

View the original article here

OS X Mountain Lion 開發人員預覽版

Copyright c 2013 Apple Inc. 保留一切權利。

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View the original article here

適用於 iPad、iPhone 及 iPod touch 的全新 iTunes U 應用程式

Now it’s easier than ever to unleash the full potential of iPad in your classroom by creating your own courses for iPad. You get to share your ideas in a powerful new way, and your students get a rich, immersive learning experience using the iTunes U app for iPad. iTunes U is available no matter where you teach — at any university, college or K–12 school. Sign up now

Your students will experience the courses you build using the free iTunes U app for iPad. It’s a powerful app that lets students have all the materials for the course right there at their fingertips.

Students can view all the assignments for your course in a list and check off each task as it’s completed.

When a student takes notes while watching a video, iTunes U remembers the location of the note.

iTunes U puts all the notes together in one place, whether the notes are about a book, video or lecture.

Students can have access to all the materials for a course right there on their iPad.

From the iTunes U app, students can play video or audio lectures, and take notes that are synchronised with the lecture. They can read books and view presentations. See a list of all the assignments for the course and check them off as they’re completed. And when you send a message or create a new assignment, students receive a push notification with the new information.1 Learn more about the iTunes U app for students

The iTunes U app integrates with iBooks and other apps to make it easy for students to keep up with your course. For example, books for the course are available straight from the app. Students simply tap them to start reading the assigned chapter. Notes taken in iBooks are consolidated for easy reviewing in the iTunes U app. If an assignment includes watching part of a video, one tap can go straight to a specific segment. And iTunes U keeps documents, notes, highlights and bookmarks up to date across multiple devices.

iTunes U Course Manager — an easy-to-use, browser-based tool from Apple — lets you create a complete course using all of your digital materials.

Your iTunes U courses can include all the items you would use in a traditional course: a syllabus, handouts, quizzes and so on. And they can include your own video and audio lectures as well as interactive elements such as content and links from the Internet, iBookstore, App Store and iTunes Store. You can also add materials from among the 500,000-plus free public resources in the iTunes U catalogue, including audio and video content from museums, universities, cultural institutions and more.
Read iTunes U course guidelines (PDF)

The onscreen instructions in iTunes U Course Manager guide you through the process of adding materials to your courses. Everything you upload is hosted by Apple and available to anyone taking the course. And you can easily duplicate your course, make modifications and use it for a new class.

Audio and videoPresentationsDocumentsPDFsePub booksiOS appsWeb linksTo get your course to your students, simply invite them to enrol in it with a code or URL that allows them to request enrolment. This private course distribution is available to all teachers who sign up for iTunes U — regardless of whether your school or institution is enrolled in the program.2

If you teach at an institution with a public iTunes U site, your courses can join the world’s largest online catalogue of free education content on iTunes U. Stanford, Yale, Oxford, UC Berkeley, MoMA and the New York Public Library are among the hundreds of institutions that are sharing courses, lectures, videos, books and other resources with students and lifelong learners all over the world.

No matter what subject you teach or where you teach it, you can create a course and distribute it privately to your own students — for free.2

Sign up K–12 schools, universities and colleges in 26 countries can enrol in iTunes U to distribute courses and collections of educational content that anyone can access. Sign up for iTunes U

Apple 更新 MacBook Air 與現有的 MacBook Pro 機種

New HTC One - First Look

With a sleek aluminum body, a live home screen that streams all of your favorite content, a photo gallery that comes to life, and dual frontal stereo speakers, the New HTC One is ready to reshape your smartphone experience.

View the original article here

2013年2月18日 星期一



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❖機場接送服務 : 桃園國際機場, 臺北松山機場
❖全省/環島旅遊包車服務: 自由行:半日包車, 全日包車,一日遊或多日遊或/套裝行程安排(+免費行程規劃,觀光景點和活動介紹)
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